Clacton Sailing Club Sailing Instructions
1.1 All races will be governed by the ‘rules’ as defined by World Sailing/RYA, Class Rules and these Sailing Instructions (SIs). For Open and Special Events, separate Instructions may be issued in place of these Instructions.
2.1 The functions in the Rules for the ‘Race Committee’ shall be performed by the Sailing Committee who shall delegate responsibility for the conduct of each race to a ‘Race Officer’.
2.2 For each race a Race Officer, a minimum of two members Escort Boat duty, under the Club’s duty scheme. If a member does not appear for duty, and a replacement cannot be found, the race shall be postponed to a later date.
If there is no Escort Boat afloat and manned, racing cannot take place.
2.3 All Competitors MUST be available to assist with the Escort Boat when racing has finished if required.
3.1 Helmsmen must enter each race by fully completing the Entry and Declaration Sheet posted on the Notice Board before his warning signal.
3.2 Helmsman failing to comply with (3.1) above will receive points as a non starter, but will be considered to be a starter for the validity of the race.
3.3 Helmsman who retires should inform the Race Officer or the Escort Boat Crew at the first opportunity.
3.4 Helmsman must sign the Declaration Sheet after each race, noting retirement or intention to protest.
3.5 No member may race and therefore qualify for points or prizes unless:
His boat has a valid measurement and/or buoyancy certificate where required by Class Rules.
His boat is insured against Third Party risks for not less than£3,000,000 (three million pounds).
The helmsman and crew (unless properly introduced visitors) have paid all fees due for the current year.
NOTE Checks may be made by the Management or Race Committees or its representatives. However, neither they nor the Club will be responsible for failure to carry out checks and any inadequacy in checking.
3.6 Points for races (see below) will be awarded to the helmsman. Helmsmen may not change boats or its configuration in a series except on sale or with the Sailing Secretary’s prior written consent for good cause.
4.1 Dates and times of races are set out on the Clacton-On-Sea SAILING CLUB
Fixture List but may be changed by the Sailing or Management
Committees by posting a notice of change at least seven days before the race affected.
4.2 Class Flags and the Start Sequence are as set out in Appendix 1 (Class Flags & Start Sequence).
4.3 A class’s ‘Class’ flag will be considered to be that class’s preparatory signal as well as its warning signal.
4.4 A race cannot be held unless at least TWO boats race.
5.1 The course(s) will be displayed on the Club Course Board, with the written description prevailing over the drawn diagram. Courses will be set by the Race Officer. Whenever possible an upwind start should be set.
5.2 Any change to the course after it has been posted shall be signalled by the Race Officer hoisting IC Flag
‘L’ together with the Class Flags and making a sound signal immediately the change has been made.
5.3 Handicap Classes
To equalize the time spent racing by faster and slower boats, the Race Officer may set fewer laps for the slower handicap boats as defined by the Race Officer, and average the finishing times accordingly.
6.1 The Starting Line
For all shore starts the starting line will be an extension of the line formed by a post on the Bridge and an outer distance mark which is a starting mark. All boats must pass inshore of the outer distance mark.
6.2 Races will be started in accordance with appendix 1.
7.1 Finishing Line
The finishing line will be between the outer distance mark and shore unless otherwise declared on the course board.
8.1 In order that all classes can enjoy a fair start all boats MUST keep clear of the starting line and any boats in the process of starting until, at the earliest, their 1-minute warning signal is raised.
8.2 Any boat impeded by another class boat that has not yet started may protest that boat under rule 2 (Fair Sailing). Any boat so protested must make it’s penalty turns after it’s own class start. 8.3 Boats who have finished MUST endeavour to keep clear of the finishing line to avoid obstructing other competitors and the Race Officer’s view.
9.1 Individual Recall - If a boat / boats start prematurely and can be identified by the Race Officer, a second sound signal will be made and the class flags(s) for that start will be left at half hoist until all premature starters have returned or until the expiration of two minutes from the time of the start, whichever shall occur first.
9.2 General Recall - If a boat / boats start prematurely, and the Race Officer is unable to identify these boats, a general recall will be indicated by a second and third sound signal and the class flag(s) for that start will be left at half hoist for a period of at least 2 minutes. A restart for the class will be attempted after all other classes have started. If this re-start also produces a general recall, the start for that class shall be abandoned, signified by the raising of the class flag and the IC Flag ‘N’ with no sound signals. This amends RRS 29.2
10.1 Courses may be shortened at the finishing line at the end of a round to be completed by the leading boat or elsewhere by a escort boat. This will be signalled by hoisting IC Flag ‘S’ together with the appropriate class flag(s).
10.2 In the case of handicap racing on the same start, they may be shortened for the slower class(es) only, by hoisting flag ‘S’ after the leading boats have crossed the finishing line. In which case the slower class would have to complete a fewer number of laps than the leading class(es). The number of laps are then averaged to give an overall result.
11.1 Unless otherwise prescribed on the Course Board, time limits for races shall be as follows:
Daytime Races (starts before 18.00) 2hrs from the last start time of the sequence
This amends RRS 35. Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the first boat of her class finishes or within the time limit, whichever is later, will not be scored. In handicap races, the period of 30 minutes is taken from the finishing times after correction for handicap.
If a race is abandoned and not re-sailed and all boats in a class have completed at least one round, all boats still racing at the expiry of the time limit or at abandonment shall be scored points for their position at the end of the last completed round.
The Low Point System A5 will apply modified so that a helmsman’s total score will be his best results in 50% +1 of the races held in the series for his class (the nearest number above for an odd number of races) are to count. Three races of a series need to be held to constitute a series.
Members undertaking Race officer or Escort Boat duty may claim average personal points for a race (up to a maximum of four) during which they are on duty. Average personal points will be calculated by averaging the points of the races they have sailed in the Series in which the duty occurred. The points are to be claimed by notifying the Sailing Secretary and signing the result sheet for the race in question.
13.1 A helmsman intending to protest should inform the Race Officer and name the boat(s) protested, as soon as possible after coming ashore. He should also note this on the Declaration Sheet (SI 3.4).
13.2 Protests shall be written on forms available from the Bridge Office and posted through the Clubhouse front door letterbox on the same day as the race during which the incident took place.
13.3 Once the protester and the protestee have been notified by the Sailing Committee or it’s representatives, of the place, time and date of the hearing, either directly or by means of a notice placed on the Club
Notice Board, then should either party fail to attend without having given notice in writing to the Sailing Secretary, the protest will be heard in his absence.
13.4 The hearing shall be conducted by not less than three members appointed by the Sailing Committee.
15.1 All competitors start or continue to race at their own risk. (Note RRS Fundamental Rule 4).
15.2 Personal Buoyancy shall be worn at all times. Wet suits and dry suits are not considered to be acceptable personal buoyancy for the purpose of this Instruction.
15.3 Attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental Rule 1.1 ‘Helping Those in Danger’. In the absence of a nearby Escort Boat, any boat in a race is to stand by a boat which has capsized or is disabled unless it is clear that no assistance is required. Redress maybe requested. (RRS Rule 62.1)
15.4 Competitors who, for reasons beyond their control, come ashore at places other than the Club, telephone (01255 813027) the Club to notify their whereabouts whenever possible. This will prevent unnecessary airsea rescue and anxiety.
The Race Officer may vary or add to these Instructions by setting out the terms in writing on or near the course board and hoisting IC Flag ‘L’ at least 10 minutes before the start of any race affected. The Race
Officer may not change SIs 1, 2, 3, 9, 11 and 13.
12th September 2010 – revised to reflect reference to World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing 2021 – 2024 in May 2023